Peer Counseling


Many things happen in our lives that are totally beyond our control. As I write this article, life is happening all around you. Today I am writing from the waiting […] Read More »

The Alcoholic

If you’re a moderate drinker, one who responsibly regulates the amount you drink, you will have little trouble giving up alcohol. Moderate drinkers can take it or leave it alone. […] Read More »


Those of you drawn to this article are most likely familiar with autism and autism spectrum disorders. This article isn’t about definitions, diagnosis or research, but the challenges of managing […] Read More »

The Power of Prayer

It has been over four years of memorable volunteer service as a Department chaplain and part of the Psychological Services Bureau at LASD. What an amazing journey, from being the […] Read More »

Taking a Chance

Many of us have had the experience of sitting quietly in briefing while a supervisor reads an account of a co-worker’s involvement in an alcohol-related traffic collision incident while off […] Read More »

Communication Technology Gone Wrong?

We are living in a unique time in history, when communication technology has greatly changed the world and our lives. Some of these changes are viewed as positive and others […] Read More »

Stop, Breathe and Live?

The above title is a variation of the fire safety slogan “Stop, drop and roll.” While the fire safety slogan can save your life, the title slogan can help you […] Read More »

The Time is Now

How can you tell if you’re an alcoholic? It requires you to be honest with yourself. Many who are now in recovery have been told that all they needed was […] Read More »

The Good and The Bad

Pleasure, satisfaction, joy, delight, well-being, exhilaration, ecstasy, bliss, euphoria — all synonyms for happiness. We all want it, and many of us spend our lives not only searching for pleasure, […] Read More »