- This event has passed.
June 16, 2019 - June 21, 2019
Sunday June 16th-Friday June 21st, 2019
Inter Mountain Fairgrounds
McAthur, California
ALL RETIRED MEMBERS, INCLUDING CIVILIAN and your traveling companions of The Los Angeles County Sheriffs’ Department are invited to gather together at the Inter-Mountain Fairgrounds in McArthur, California for the 40th Annual Reunion. The location is located on Highway 299, approximately 70 miles east of Redding. This beautiful lies between the peaks of Mt. Lassen and Mt. Shasta. The registration fee is $10.00 per person paid upon check in.
Bring your RV, tent or stay in one of the local motels in Fall River Mills. Full hook up camping, showers, laundry and 30 amp and some 50 amp service is $15.00 per night starting Friday prior to the event. Early camping arrivals prior to Friday will pay the normal campground rate
Activities include golf tournaments at a championship 18 hole golf course, Bocci ball, card tournaments, potluck dinners, steak fry, a catered dinner, a pancake breakfast, fishing, Casino nearby, sightseeing or just kick back and relax. Plenty of war stories, tales of then and now and lie swapping may be heard daily. Newly retired and surviving spouses are especially welcome.
Please RSVP and for additional information contact:
Ron & Bonnie Moya (818) 521-0695 or 521-2682, bonron@dslextreme.com
Tom Sargent (530) 243-8982, tsgt907@charter.net
Richard or Judy Smith (626) 444-0686, retiredstars@earthlink.net