- This event has passed.
December 9, 2016 at 7:30 am - 12:00 pm
You are invited to participate in the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Athletic Association and Weapons Training Unit’s 1st Annual “Ballistic X-Ring Challenge” on December 9, 2016, at the Burbank Firing Line Range, 1060 N. Lake St, Burbank 91503, telephone (818) 954-9810.
Check-in will start at 0730 hours, the match will run from 0800-1000 hours. Awards ceremony immediately following the completion of the match.
This will be an accuracy challenge, requiring you to shoot under time pressure; some strong hand only shooting, and a little support hand only shooting. All shooting will be from a stationary position.
Medals will be given to the top 3 finishers in Lewis Class; A, B, C. Plaques will be awarded for the following;
Match Champion
Top Patrol
Top Detective
Top Custody
Top Court Services
Top Reserve
Top Supervisor (Sergeant and above)
Top Military Veteran/Military Reservist
Top Female
Top Senior (50+)
Top Retiree
Top Professional Staff (non-sworn)
Top Civilian (Family and Friends – Over 21 years old)
Open Class – Anyone who has attended a firearms instructor school; DEA, FBI, LASD, etc. Or who is currently teaching firearms, full or part-time.
Or if you have a ranking of MASTER or higher in IDPA, USPSA, IPSC, or GSSF
Most Accurate Production Pistol **No modification to pistol, expect for grips and sights**
Most Accurate 1911 Pistol
Most Accurate Revolver
**Pistols will be inspected to ensure there have been no modifications. If a modification is found, you will not be able to compete for the Most Accurate Production Pistol division.
Equipment needed; Eye/ear protection, appropriate range/shooting attire, closed toe shoes. Holsters are not permitted, please make sure your firearm is unloaded, cleared and carried into the event location in a gun case.
**Shooters will not be permitted to shoot without compliance to the above firearm and equipment rules**
Ammunition needed: 100 rounds of factory ammunition, no reloads. Ammunition must be new in box.
Light edible breakfast items and drinks will be provided.
Family members of all ages are welcome to come watch the competition.
Cost; LASAA members are free, non-LASAA members $30 which includes the match, awards, and food/drinks