Peace Officers Fellowship


Law enforcement is a demanding and often stressful profession, with personnel frequently exposed to traumatic events, high-pressure situations and long work hours — all of which can contribute to increased rates of alcohol abuse. Studies have shown that the stress from the job can result in harmful drinking habits, especially among men in the field. These findings suggest that the unique challenges and pressures inherent to law enforcement work can have significant consequences for the physical and mental well-being of personnel, potentially leading them to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms like excessive alcohol use.

However, there’s good news. Research has shown that job rewards and health-oriented leadership play a crucial role in reducing burnout, which can, in turn, help reduce problematic alcohol use. Leaders who promote health and provide opportunities for building resilience can buffer the negative effects of high work effort on burnout. This highlights the importance of good organizational and managerial practices in promoting the well-being and resilience of everyone on the Department.

To tackle the issue of alcohol abuse, it’s crucial to understand work stressors and the role of job rewards and health-oriented leadership in mitigating these risks. Implementing interventions and support systems tailored to our unique needs is essential. This includes managing work-related trauma, high-pressure situations and long hours, as well as providing resources, training and opportunities for self-care. These measures help us build resilience and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Leadership that prioritizes health and resilience has been shown to reduce the negative effects of work stress, potentially decreasing the risk of alcohol abuse. These findings underscore the importance of fostering a work environment that prioritizes well-being and supportive resources that promote healthier coping strategies. By taking a proactive approach to supporting mental health and overall well-being, we can empower personnel to develop healthier habits and reduce the likelihood of turning to harmful behaviors like excessive drinking.

The existing research on the link between law enforcement and alcohol abuse highlights the complex interplay of various occupational stressors, organizational factors and individual coping mechanisms that contribute to this issue. Addressing alcohol misuse within the law enforcement community requires leadership that acknowledges these unique challenges and provides comprehensive support systems, resources and healthy work environments to help mitigate the risk of problematic alcohol use.

In 1975, members of the Sheriff’s Department and the LAPD developed Peace Officer’s Fellowship to advance the 12-step program begun by AA in an environment for and by law enforcement personnel. Since then, the Department has assisted employees with various substance abuse issues in many ways. The Substance Abuse Resource Program coordinator and police psychologists at PSB are dedicated to assisting all employees. PSB also offers consultation to Department leaders to help them identify how they can best support their teams. This additional support can be invaluable in creating a healthier work environment. Call the office at (213) 738-3500 if you want more information or support around this topic. As a sworn member of the Department, if you have a desire to stop drinking and want support outside of the Department, you can always contact one of the POF members from the list included here.