Peace Officers Fellowship


In the fast-paced world of those working in a law enforcement agency, preventing problem drinking is a challenge that needs to be navigated amid the camaraderie between colleagues, the echoes of shared victories and struggles, and the clinking of glasses after a demanding shift. For those regularly responding to emergencies and helping others on the worst days of their lives, preventing problem drinking is a formidable task, often made more challenging by social pressures and influences.

Navigating these challenges demands thoughtful planning and a strong support system. Having a friend monitor alcohol intake, pacing one’s drinking and sticking with one kind of alcohol can empower individuals to navigate social situations with confidence and maintain control over their choices. Additional effective measures involve alternating nonalcoholic beverages with alcoholic ones, avoiding drinking games and setting a reasonable limit on the number of drinks consumed.

Alternatively, choosing an alcohol-free life is a powerful option. Driven by motives like health and personal growth, this choice brings profound benefits. Abstaining from alcohol enhances social relationships and mental well-being, fostering stronger connections. An alcohol-free lifestyle prioritizes genuine connections and emotional well-being, creating opportunities for relaxation and social bonding through activities like outdoor adventures, movie nights, game nights, volunteer work and cultural events.

Living without alcohol offers the freedom to embrace a vibrant and fulfilling life that is not dependent on alcohol consumption. By prioritizing well-being, carving out time for genuine connections and making conscious choices in social settings, individuals can experience the rich and rewarding aspects of life without the harmful effects of alcohol. This intentional way of living empowers individuals to nurture their physical and mental health, cultivate meaningful relationships, and thrive in a vibrant and fulfilling lifestyle.

If you or anyone you know is considering an alcohol-free life, it is important to remember that everyone’s journey is unique. What works for one person may not work for another, and that’s OK. The important thing is to find what brings you joy, fulfillment and health, whether that be through alcohol-free activities, seeking support from friends and loved ones, or engaging in self-care practices.

Since 1975, when the Peace Officer’s Fellowship was developed, the Department has assisted employees with various issues related to abuse and dependence on substances such as alcohol or prescription medicines. The Substance Abuse Resource Program coordinator and the law enforcement psychologists at Psychological Services Bureau are committed to assisting all employees and/or their significant others with making appropriate choices to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you wish to obtain more information regarding resources, PSB services or other treatment facilities, call Psychological Services Bureau at (213) 738-3500. You can also reach out to one of the people noted in the table on this page, as they have chosen to identify themselves to be able to be a supportive resource for those in need.