Peace Officers Fellowship


Social drinking is common in law enforcement culture. As members of law enforcement, officers also have a unique responsibility to model behavior and enforce laws related to drinking and driving. As a result, we have a duty to ensure we (and our partners) are not engaging in behaviors around drinking that can have a negative impact on various areas of our lives, including work.

There are important guidelines that we should follow when consuming alcohol in social settings to prevent problem drinking and the consequences that go along with it. First and foremost, we must never drink and drive or operate any type of machinery under the influence. This not only puts us in danger but also puts our partners and the public at risk. Additionally, we should be mindful of our behavior and ensure that we are setting a good example for the community. Law enforcement officers need to consume alcohol in moderation and avoid excessive drinking, especially when carrying a firearm. Moreover, we all must follow Department policies and procedures regarding alcohol consumption.

Law enforcement agencies must have clear policies and training programs in place to ensure their employees understand the risks associated with alcohol consumption and the importance of maintaining a professional workplace. Education and training activities are important to inform employees about national laws, regulations, guidelines and policies. This helps to ensure that we are following proper rules and regulations when it comes to alcohol consumption. In addition to this, research has shown that environmental approaches aimed at limiting the consumption of alcohol have had a positive impact on reducing binge drinking and alcohol-related harms. Addressing these areas of education, policy and environment will not only promote the integrity of law enforcement but also improve overall community well-being and relations.

Even with departments making sure their policies and training programs reinforce responsible drinking practices, those of us working in law enforcement carry a big responsibility when it comes to alcohol consumption in public settings, as our behavior can greatly impact public perception and trust in law enforcement. The impact is so great that I will repeat myself by saying that we must be knowledgeable about the risks associated with alcohol consumption and understand our duty to uphold the law both on and off duty. By upholding high standards of professionalism and acting responsibly in social settings, those of us working in law enforcement can set a positive example for the public we serve.

In the end, it is a collective responsibility to promote responsible alcohol consumption and maintain public safety. As employees of LASD, we can help each other by addressing problem drinking with our partners in order to identify resources to prevent alcohol-related problems.

To summarize, while social drinking can be common in law enforcement culture, it is essential to recognize the potential consequences of irresponsible behavior. We are all responsible for exercising caution and good judgment when consuming alcohol in social settings. Officers must act responsibly and professionally to uphold their duty to serve and protect the public. By following these guidelines and being responsible drinkers, we can maintain our integrity and set a positive example for the communities we serve. If you find yourself struggling, know there are resources available to provide help. These resources can include employee assistance programs, peer support, Peace Officer’s Fellowship (see table above for more information), a Department chaplain or a psychologist through Psychological Services Bureau.