Peace Officers Fellowship


How many times has someone told you that you need to slow down or cut back on your drinking? Having an alcoholic beverage is not a new concept, and it’s likely most people would agree that it can be both a tonic and a poison. The defining factor typically depends on the amount of alcohol ingested. However, personal and family histories also play a role. I assume every person reading this can come up with some ways moderate drinking could be beneficial — making you more social, helping you relax, reducing the risk of heart disease, helping you unwind or relieving stress. But what happens when moderate drinking turns into heavy drinking?

Heavy drinking is defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans as more than one to two drinks a day for men and more than one drink a day for women. This does not mean that having seven drinks on your RDO but not drinking the rest of the week is the equivalent of having one drink a day — it is not. The health implications of consuming a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time are significantly different than spreading the consumption out over the course of multiple days. Like it or not, heavy drinking takes a toll on our bodies, our relationships and our minds. It also carries significant risks for both the short and the long term.

The negative impact of heavy alcohol consumption in the short term includes impaired judgment, which can lead to making bad choices and engaging in risky behaviors like driving under the influence, violence or promiscuity; disruptions in the sleep cycle that often lead to excessive daytime sleepiness; injuries from falling or being in a fight or car accident; and/or alcohol poisoning. It’s no surprise that some of the behaviors listed can also lead to an arrest. If arrested, you are required to call your unit of assignment so your unit commander can pick you up from jail and take you home. (How embarrassing!) Then you have to deal with legal fees and court appearances, and if you’re convicted, additional consequences could lead to the suspension of your driving privileges for at least four months, an ignition interlock device, having to attend classes and meetings and being on probation.

If there is an arrest, the longer-term consequences include an investigation from the Department and potential disciplinary action (including termination). In addition to the possibility of job-related problems or even unemployment, other long-term effects include family problems, relationship problems and health-related issues, such as high blood pressure, liver disease and weakening of the immune system. Heavy alcohol use can also have long-term effects on the brain, including insomnia, decreased attention span, anxiety, difficulty forming thoughts and depression.

I challenge you to take a realistic look at where you fall on the scale of drinking (between none and heavy). If you’re not sure, ask yourself if you are showing any of the following signs:
• “Blacking out” while drinking
• Short-term memory loss
• Sneaking drinks
• Hiding alcohol around the house or workplace
• Defensive attitude about alcohol
• Drinking alone
• Minimizing your actions while intoxicated
• Drinking more than intended
• Unsuccessful attempts to cut back or stop drinking

If the answer is “yes” to any of these, consider making a change. If you need support, know that we have peer supporters, chaplains and licensed clinical psychologists who are all available to help you. While you might not have complete control over your drinking, you do have control over calling the Substance Abuse Resource Program Coordinator Deputy Willis Braggs at (213) 738-3500 or going to our webpage at to connect. You can also call the Peace Officers Fellowship (POF) members listed on page 20 to talk through whatever is going on for you and to get support.